Workforce: The company Ernst Faber GmbH always focuses on longtime, experienced and highly motivated employees. It’s with them you are able to produce first-class knitwear in premium quality and workmanship. Only by this continuous best collaboration between management team and employees, the family-owned company managed to satisfy specialist retailer’s needs with sporty-chic knitwear coordinate collections for 70 years and 3 generations.
Faber Team on a trip for the 70-years anniversary of Faber to Luisenburg
Production: Since its foundation in 1947, the company Ernst Faber GmbH manufactures at their headquarters in Isaar near Toepen. Currently, most of its knitwear is produced at home by using the latest flat weft knitting machines and a customized logistics system in a modern business. That is a clear commitment to the home location as well as to the company’s principle „quality instead of quantity“.
Faber Headquarter in Isaar, Toepen
Environment: Thanks to the high percentage of in-house production „Made in Germany“, long itineraries during the production phase are mostly omitted and significant amounts of CO₂ are saved. Transportation and packing materials are also reduced to a minimum. That is our contribution to environmental protection.
Faber Management: Walter and Markus Faber